Monday, November 06, 2006

Well folks, here it is, my very own blog. with pictures, and stories, bound to keep everyone interested for minutes at a time.

So where should i start here. well, im currently typing on a small towns library computer, after hours, and my mother is sitting next to me. great to know people in high places. haha. at least i can find internet up here in the wilderness. if you dont know where in the wilderness i am currently located, then it would be Haliburton Ont. and where in Haliburton might you ask. well, ask and you should find out, if not, i dont want you to know where i live okay, so stop asking.

alright, so i might as well bring everyone up to speed for today, it would be a monday November 6, 2006. and well, alot has happened over the last few months. i have chosen unemployment over employment, finished a course, and got a new license. lived in 4 places at once, and put 35000 km's on my 04 Jetta. sounds like ive been busy? well i have, just imagine, i still have time to brush my teeth at night, change my underwear in the morning, and at times (im hoping), write in a blog.

anyways i might as well let you know what this blog is all about, it is going to be a picture and story book for me to tell you all about my daily or weekly or monthly experiences on the interstates, 400 series, and trans canada highways that i will be travelling on. sure the pictures will be out of the window of a transport truck, sure my stories will tell you which gear i was in, but hey, they should be interesting. who knows what kind of roadkill ill be able to see, how many cultures of people will flip me the bird. and godforbid, how many lizards come to my door (yes, i will take a picture of every one of them for yous out there, then post them, and for the record, turn them away).

does that sound interesting? well it does to me, thats why i started it, its just too bad that i cant start my on the road stories yet, i have to find a job, but hey, when should i get started? tomorrow? haha, i have the interenet at my disposal today, so it starts today.

anyways enough wasting space, and trying to be funny. keep tuned in, and you will soon see the fruits of my labour, or the roadkill of the week.


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